Press Release

Avalanche Training

We need trained and equipped rescuers to deal with the threats of avalanche disasters, Lt Col (R) Abaid Ullah Baig Senior Minister GB.

The closing ceremony of Avalanche Prevention and Rescue Training held today on March 10, 2023 in Gilgit. The training was organized by EvK2CNR with support of Pakistan Air Force and Winter Sports Federation Pakistan. Lt Col(R) Abaid Ullah Baig, Senior Minister Social Welfare, Population Welfare, Women/Child Rights, Gilgit Baltistan was the Chief Guest of on this occasion. Besides, representatives from Pakistan Air Force, Environmental Protection Agency, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat and other institutions were also present at the ceremony. The training was imparted to the trainees of Rescue 1122, PAF, GB tourist police, AKAH, KIU and University of Baltistan. The training was held from March, 6-10, 2023 in Gilgit and Naltar.

Speaking on the occasion, Lt Col(R) Abaid Ullah Baig admired the initiative of holding training on avalanche prevention and rescue which he termed very relevant and need of the time in the context of GB, being highly prone to avalanche disasters. He said the government of GB will work closely with the relevant institutions responsible for rescue to equip them with the basic equipment enabling to perform effectively during such disasters. He hoped that, the participants after the training will be able to provide services in Avalanche triggered incidents in GB.

Mr. Giovanni Songini, the trainer of the training spoke in detail about the contents covered in the training focusing both on the theoretical part as well as the practical. He appreciated the enthusiasm of the participants and their seriousness to learn the techniques. He hoped that the institutions with the mandate to rescue will have the required equipment for the rescue.   He said that the theoretical part of the training held in Gilgit whereas for the practical training the participants were taken to Naltar that is one of the best skiing resorts in Pakistan managed by Pakistan Air Force. The participants Ms. Nazia Aman from KIU and Mr. Naik Alam from Rescue 1122 also shared their views about the training and regarded it highly productive in terms of learning several new things about the avalanche rescue. They thanked the trainers, EvK2CNR and Pakistan Air Force for the facilitation. Earlier, Mr. Arif Hussain Regional Manager EVK2CNR GB paid vote of thanks to the participants. He also expressed deep indebtedness to Pakistan Air Force and Winter Sports Federation Pakistan for an overwhelming support in conducing the training.    

At the end the certificates were awarded to the participants. The training held under the Project Glaciers and Students that is implemented by EvK2CNR, executed by UNDP whereas it is funded by the Italian Agency for Development Co-corporation (AICS). Total number of participants of the training 26 belonging to almost all districts of Gilgit-Baltistan. Similarly, two women trainees were also participants of the training from disaster management department KIU.