Press Release

Inception Workshop

Inception Workshop-Glacier and Students

The inception workshop of the project Glaciers and Students conducted as part of its formal launching on August 24, 2022. The project is funded by Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), executed by UNDP Pakistan, and Implemented by EvK2CNR.

The overall aim of the project is to prevent risks of hydrogeological hazards in Pakistan’s mountain areas, by establishing an evidence-based assessment and monitoring system for mountain glaciers to determine the behaviors of the glaciers with scientific studies and through installation of Automatic Weather stations. The project will actively involve Karakoram International University, University of Baltistan, Skardu and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the study and monitoring activities. Collaboration has also been established with the University of Cagliari Italy and University of Milan for carrying out scientific studies involving the experts from these universities. A dedicated training and capacity building programme will be designed for the students to ensure long term sustainability of the project.


Representatives from all key stakeholders including Govt. of Gilgit Baltistan, Karakorum International University, Civil Society Organizations were in attendance.  Mr. Khadim Hussain Saleem, Secretary Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries was the chief guest on this occasion. Other guests included Professor Dr. Engineer Ataullah Shah, Vice Chancellor Karakoram International University, Mr. Imran Ashraf, Representative of AICS, Mr. Knut Ostby, Country Representative UNDP Pakistan, Mr. Agostino Da Polenza, President EvK2CNR and Goodwill Ambassador of Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan on promotion of tourism in GB, Mr. Ashiq Ahmad Khan, Scientific Representative EvK2CNR Pakistan, Mr. Sajjad Haider Secretary Minerals, Industries, Labor and Commerce, Mr. Faisal Ahsan Secretary Forest, Wildlife and Environment participated in the workshop.


The guests appreciated the project, its mandate particularly in the evolving situation of climate change and threats posed to the glaciers of Gilgit Baltistan which are giant water tanks for providing water not only to GB but it caters for largest proportion of the needs of water of Pakistan.

The workshop started with Opening remarks of Knut Ostby, Resident Representative, UNDP. He mentioned that “The importance of projects like Glaciers and Students becomes more vital when it comes to mountains and glaciated regions as the ecosystems in such areas are more fragile and need particular attention.” He added that this project will act as a bridge to transfer the technology and making better decision for resilience.

Imran Ashraf, Senior Advisor Agriculture & Natural Resources on Behalf of Mrs. Emanuela Benini, Director Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), stated that “AICS believes in the nexus between Research and Education to be rooted in Pakistan, through a network of linkages between universities and institutes of Italy and Pakistan”. He also highlighted the support of the AICS provided for conservation of environment and socio-economic development in Gilgit-Baltistan for the last many years.

Maurizio Gallo, Project Manager, EvK2CNR Italy gave a comprehensive presentation on the project to apprise all the participants on the planned activities. Mr. Ashiq Ahmed Khan, Scientific Representative EvK2CNR explained in detail the Glaciers Ecology, challenges and opportunities in the context of Gilgit-Baltistan.

Mr. Shehzad Hassan Shigri, Director, Environmental Protection Agency emphasized on the need of installation of automated weather stations to better predict the hazards. He also explained the research gaps in Pakistan and need for international collaborations

Prof. Dr. Engineer Ataullah Shah, Vice Chancellor Karakorum International University (KIU) briefed the audience on the portfolio of KIU, the support already provided in terms of research to different development projects and glaciers initiatives by KIU. He appreciated the provision for collaboration in the project with the academic institutions from UNDP and EvK2CNR that will lead to sustainability of the project.

Faisal Ahsan Pirzada, Secretary Forest, Wildlife and Environment Department, Gilgit Baltistan expressed his views at the event as, “innovative approaches under Glaciers and Students are vital for improved resilience”. He reiterated his support to the project and future initiatives.

Khadim Hussain Saleem, Secretary Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries Department Gilgit-Baltistan expressed his views as Chief Guest, “on behalf of Government of Gilgit Baltistan every possible support will be extended in this project”. He also wished success to all partners. He applauded the continued support from the AICS for several project executed and implemented by UNDP and EvK2CNR with a focus on conservation of protected areas and for improvement of the livelihood of associated communities.

The event concluded with the Vote of thanks from Mr. Arif Hussain, Regional Manager Gilgit Baltistan EvK2CNR on behalf of Mr. Agostino De Polenzo, President EvK2CNR Association. He expressed thanks to all the participants including government of Gilgit Baltistan representatives, academia, partners, donors and media.

Group photo of the participants