
The Pyramid International Laboratory


ARTICLE 1.0:  In order to safeguard the working environment in its integrity, the following regulations apply to both the interior of the Pyramid and the external surrounding areas. All reference to the “Pyramid” from here on, is intended to comprise the pyramid-shaped building used as a research laboratory as well as the surrounding terrain, which includes the lodge, the external scientific facilities and installations (meteorological stations, GPS station, ABC station, etc.) and the outdoor environment itself, including also the lakes area commonly referred to as Pyramid Lower Lake and Pyramid Upper Lake.
ARTICLE 1.1:  The Pyramid staffing structure shall function as depicted in the organigram. The roles, tasks and responsibilities of each staff member are summarized in sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of these regulations.


ARTICLE 2.0:  The pro tempore President of the EvK2Minoprio Committee is the highest authority and has full responsibilities with respect to the scientific research institutions and/or the Committee’s supporting institutions, including, but not limited to, execution of scientific and cooperation projects and the correct functioning of the Pyramid. He also fills the role of Committee Pyramid Supervisor (CPS) and coordinates any other CPSs who may be periodically nominated or working on site at the Pyramid.
In the absence of a CPS on site, the MNS will refer directly to the President regarding activities or proper functioning requirements of the Pyramid.
ARTICLE 2.1: The President coordinates the work of the CPSs and Data Acquisition Stations Manager (DASM).
ARTICLE 2.2:  All staff members shall send periodic activity reports to the President, as scheduled or whenever necessary. 
ARTICLE 2.3:  The President can be contacted for any ordinary or extraordinary reason or in case of emergency.  If he is not available, contact should be made with the Director General, the EvK2Minoprio Committee Secretariat in Bergamo, or the Representative Office in Kathmandu. 


ARTICLE 3.0:  The Representative Office in Kathmandu (RO) shall manage the Pyramid technical Staff contracts and related administrative, financial and logistic provisions, including insurance. Pertinent instructions and orders from the Director General or CPS can be carried out through the RO on their behalf.
ARTICLE 3.1:  The RO will take care of purchasing and procurement of materials, food and instrumentation directly or upon request of the MNS, in coordination with Cho-Oyu Trekking and 8000 Inn.
ARTICLE 3.2: The RO shall receive periodic reports from the Pyramid technical Staff, which must be promptly forwarded to the EvK2Minoprio Committee. 


ARTICLE 4.0:  The Director General will be responsible for the duties of the President in his absence or unavailability.
ARTICLE 4.1: The Director General is responsible for the execution and coordination of organisational activities related to scientific projects. 


ARTICLE 5.0:  A Manager of Nepali Staff (MNS) will be selected from amongst the Nepali technical personnel.  In addition to his/her normal duties, the MNS will manage the entire Nepali Staff, who shall coordinate duty shifts and leave requests with the MNS.  Specifically, the MNS will be in charge of: the ordinary functioning and maintenance of the Pyramid; supervision of the Nepali personnel; running of systems and facilities; supply orders and procurement; kitchen and food storeroom management; management of hospitality and services for guests and staff members; use of communication systems in the Pyramid (radio, satellite mobiles, internet connections etc.); and management of cleaning services and rubbish disposal according to EvK2Minoprio Committee protocols. The MNS shall provide, to the best of his/her abilities, any support requested by the researchers and technicians working at the Pyramid.  The MNS will manage, to the best of his/her abilities, any emergency situation which might arise.
ARTICLE 5.1: The MNS must keep a constantly updated inventory of all materials, equipment and scientific instruments in the Pyramid.
ARTICLE 5.2:  Following indications from the EvK2Minoprio Committee and the official service providers in Nepal, the MNS shall keep accounts concerning management and restocking of Pyramid supplies.
ARTICLE 5.3: The MNS must compile a daily report in which any relevant event (problems, rescue requests, etc.) is registered. The report must be sent to the Ev-K2-CNR Secretariat, in copy to the Representative Office in Kathmandu (RO), by 8:00 pm (Nepali time) every day.
ARTICLE 5.4:  The MNS must answer to the Committee Pyramid Supervisor (CPS) [see Section 6] if present at the Pyramid. Otherwise the MNS answers directly to the President of the Ev-K2-CNR Committee and to the Director General. Regarding duties concerning the Data Acquisition Stations, the MNS must coordinate with and answer to the Data Acquisition Stations Manager (DASM). 
ARTICLE 5.5:  Any technical operation, on the part of Italian or Nepali technical Staff (regarding technical or logistical assistance, maintenance, general functioning of any sort) must be coordinated in advance with the MNS.
ARTICLE 5.6:  Upon the arrival of each research group, the MNS will organise an orientation briefing covering:
a) Pyramid regulations;
b) understanding and preventing risks;
c) emergency and evacuation procedures;
d) protocols for the use and management of hazardous materials;
e) sanitation and hygiene;
f) location of the first aid kit;
g) protocols for emergencies and first aid.
ARTICLE 5.7: The MNS must respect and enforce these regulations, ensuring their observance by the personnel and researchers/guests at the Pyramid. Any difficulties or serious non-compliance shall be communicated to the EvK2Minoprio Committee Secretariat.


ARTICLE 6.0: A Committee Pyramid Supervisor (CPS) will be appointed by the EvK2Minoprio Committee to monitor the success of the operations managed by the Nepali Staff.  Periodically (6-8 times a year), especially during research activities or major maintenance operations, the CSP will visit the Pyramid to review performance and procedures. The CSP, in collaboration with the MNS, may suggest improvements in running and management.
ARTICLE 6.1: The CPS represents the EvK2Minoprio Committee management at the Pyramid: guests and staff members must follow his/her instructions.
ARTICLE 6.2:  The CPS must respect and enforce these regulations, ensuring their observance by the personnel and researchers/guests at the Pyramid.. 


ARTICLE 7.0:  The Data Acquisition Stations Manager (DASM) is responsible for and shall supervise successful functioning of all scientific and technological data acquisition stations and telecommunications systems.
ARTICLE 7.1:  The DASM will work in coordination with the MNS and CPS. The DASM answers to the EvK2Minoprio Committee President and Director General and shall direct all communications to them.
ARTICLE 7.2:  The DASM must respect these regulations. 


ARTICLE 8.0:  The Nepali Staff must follow directions of the MNS and/or CPS.  Access to the common areas of the Pyramid by Nepali Staff is limited to reasons of duty or service. There are two levels of Nepali staff: technical staff and general staff.
ARTICLE 8.1:  The Nepali Technical Staff is in charge of the technical management (operations, upkeep, maintenance and cleaning) of the Laboratory-Observatory Pyramid, its systems and facilities, as instructed by the DASM. Specifically: the technical staff shall: provide technical assistance to researchers; supervise performance of the general staff; monitor and check internal and the external observatory equipment, etc.
ARTICLE 8.2:  The Nepali General Staff includes a Cook and Kitchen Manager and Kitchen/Housekeeping staff. Their duty is to carry out all kitchen and cleaning operations and to provide the best possible service to the researchers.  The general staff responds directly to the MNS and/or to the CPS if present.
ARTICLE 8.3:  The Nepali Staff salaries are fixed; researchers should not give tips unless they have been approved  by the MNS or CPS.
ARTICLE 8.4:  The Nepali Staff must respect these regulations. 


ARTICLE 9.0:  Only researchers with projects which have received prior approval from the EvK2Minoprio Committee Scientific Council and the EvK2CNR/NAST Bilateral Technical Committee (BTC) may access the Pyramid facilities. Researchers are not allowed to carry out any activity which is not included in the approved scientific protocol.
ARTICLE 9.1: Researchers/guests must carry out their work in line with these regulations.  For special requests – beyond their research activities – researchers should speak to the MNS or CPS (if present) or their accompanying Alpine Guide. The MNS will do his/her best, compatibly with the needs and requirements of others, and bearing in mind the circumstances of the moment, to satisfy any logistic and organisational requests of the researches/guests.
ARTICLE 9.2:  The researchers/guests are responsible for their personal scientific equipment and its functioning.  EvK2Minoprio will only provide power and logistic support; researchers must verify the technical functionality of their own instruments at high altitude in advance.  Handbooks and manuals must be provided for any instrument/equipment to be used at the Pyramid.  All documents and declarations must be prepared for identification of the equipment and luggage at Customs, upon both departure and return to Italy. All personal equipment to be used at the Pyramid must be reported in advance to the EvK2Minoprio Committee Secretariat.
ARTICLE 9.3:  Researchers/guests must observe strict professional confidentiality with respect to the work of any colleagues or other researchers present at the Pyramid at the same time, especially regarding the content of research activities.
ARTICLE 9.4:  Before leaving the Pyramid area for any reason, the MNS must be informed and radio assistance (walkie-talkies) provided. Radio contact with the Pyramid, while off site but in the vicinity, is obligatory. During field work or data collection outside the Pyramid area, and while trekking, researchers are strongly encouraged to limit their impact on the landscape, using common sense and respecting local rules to the best of their ability, so as to safeguard the fragile high altitude ecosystems. They must also bear in mind that they are working within the boundaries of the Sagarmatha National Park, a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site.
ARTICLE 9.5: Following their stay at the Pyramid, researchers/guests must return any materials they were assigned by the management in the same conditions as when they were received. Rooms and work spaces must also be left in the original conditions. Keys and walkie-talkies must be turned over to the MNS and any outstanding accounts must be settled. Neglecting and/or not communicating any irregularities in the communications systems constitutes a breach of the Pyramid safety rules.
ARTICLE 9.6:  Any complaint from the researchers/guests concerning the conduct of the MNS, the Nepali Staff, technicians or other researchers must immediately be sent to the EvK2Minoprio Director General, in copy to the EvK2Minoprio Secretariat (
ARTICLE 9.7:  The researchers/guests must obey all safety rules, fire prevention norms and evacuation plans, which are explained by the MNS upon their arrival.  Special attention must be given to protocols for handling chemical and biological hazards. In case of emergency, to request medical assistance or rescue, researchers/guests must contact the MNS or their accompanying Alpine Guide.
ARTICLE 9.8:  Researchers/guests must take part in the orientation briefing held by the MNS upon their arrival at the Pyramid. They are obliged to follow all safety rules and information as indicated and behave according to the regulations that are illustrated at that time. 
ARTICLE 9.9:  Research involving animals or which foresees collection of flora samples, may be carried out only if permission has been granted by the pertinent Nepali authorities.  Documentation of said authorization must be available at all times.
ARTICLE 9.10:  Their searches must be documented photographically, researchers will have to give account to the Committee EvK2Minoprio of copies of photographs both a scientific and promotion character. 


ARTICLE 10.0:  The Alpine Guides answer directly to the EvK2Minoprio Committee Management. They shall coordinate their activities at the Pyramid with the CPS and the MNS.
ARTICLE 10.1:  The Alpine Guides are hired to accompany researchers/guests during their trip from Italy to Nepal and are responsible for the group while trekking and during any field activities outside the Pyramid. They are responsible for overseeing the travel operations, of persons and goods, of whomever they have been requested to accompany, helping ensure the success of the mission, while applying criteria of safety and wellbeing.
ARTICLE 10.2:  In case of emergency or if rescue operations are needed, the Alpine Guides must oversee and monitor the safety of such operations.
ARTICLE 10.3:  Additional duties may be agreed in advance with the EvK2Minoprio President and Management. The Alpine Guides must respect these regulations.


ARTICLE 11.0:  Non-routine maintenance of the Pyramid shall be carried out by professionals selected by the EvK2Minoprio Committee, while routine maintenance is the responsibility of the MNS and shall be executed under his/her direction.
ARTICLE 11.1:  Technical staff involved in maintenance operations must use appropriate protections and follow the Italian workplace safety laws (L. 626/94, and DL 4 agosto 1999, n. 359). 


ARTICLE 12.0:  Any technical equipment or research instruments brought to the Pyramid (personal equipment) or taken out of the Pyramid must be registered.  Materials or equipment assigned for individual use must be registered by name.  Access to storerooms, the power room, battery room, or the hydroelectric turbine is strictly limited to the MNS and technical staff only.
ARTICLE 12.1: Special care must be used when operating Pyramid instruments or machines.  No Pyramid instruments, equipment or machine may be used without prior authorization by the MNS or, if present, the CPS.  Authorization may only be granted if researchers have proven their ability to use said instruments or machines. MNS or CPS instructions for use must always be followed. Instruments, equipment or machines must be put back in the place and conditions in which they were found after use.
ARTICLE 12.2:  Any changes made to Pyramid work spaces, or to Pyramid instruments, must receive prior authorization by the MNS or, if present, the CPS.
ARTICLE 12.3:  Any damage caused by researchers/guests must be immediately communicated to the MNS or, if present, the CPS.


ARTICLE 13.0:  The kitchen is under the direct supervision of the MNS.   The MNS will provide information on the weekly menu and meal times. Access to the food storeroom and the kitchen is regulated by the MNS.
ARTICLE 13.1:  Nepali food and fuel supplies (from Kathmandu, Namche or elsewhere) are the responsibility of the cook, who shall inform the MNS when orders need to be placed. The MNS will be in charge of supply orders and will check their delivery, prices and quantities. 


ARTICLE 14.0:  Given the high altitude and remote, isolated location of the Pyramid, the living and working conditions are physically and mentally strenuous. To avoid conflicts or additional stress, researchers/guests are asked to be especially disciplined and well-behaved.
ARTICLE 14.1:  Any abnormal physical condition, especially any sign of mountain sickness, must be promptly reported to the MNS or, if present, the CPS, or to the accompanying Alpine guide while trekking. Special attention should be paid during the first hours after arrival at the Pyramid.
ARTICLE 14.2: The Pyramid has a small pharmacy; only the MNS and, if present, CPS, may access the medical supplies there. The MNS and CPS must refer to the Pyramid First Aid procedures cards and, before administering any medication, must consult the doctors or medical facilities who have confirmed their availability for consultations. 
ARTICLE 14.3:  Pharmacy supplies need to be constantly replenished and kept up to date. Any medicine used must be registered and replaced before the supply runs out. The available diagnostic instruments: 2 pulse oximeters, standard thermometers, blood pressure gauge and electrocardiograph must be kept in proper working order. The Gamow bags and oxygen concentrator should also be constantly checked for proper functioning. At least two full oxygen cylinders, masks and regulators should always be available. 


ARTICLE 15.0:  Lodge occupants must keep personal spaces (rooms) clean; in case of lengthier stays, housekeeping services – weekly change of sheets and room cleaning – may be requested. Cleaning of common areas and rooms before arrival/after departure is the responsibility of the Nepali staff under the direction of the MNS.  Researchers/guests, in general, must contribute to maintaining order and cleanliness. Use of laundry facilities is coordinated by the MNS.
ARTICLE 15.1: Separation of recyclable waste is obligatory at the Pyramid. Waste management is the responsibility of the MNS, who must obey the relevant procedures. 


ARTICLE 16.0:  Use of showers is managed by the MNS and must respect the timetables drawn up periodically according to season and energy consumption. Water must always be used sparingly.  Measures must also always be taken to save electricity and to avoid dispersion of heat when the heating system is in use (i.e., do not open windows).
ARTICLE 16.1:  Use of either the internal or external toilets is obligatory.
ARTICLE 16.2:  In order to save resources and respect the environment, guests are requested to shower at most once every two days. 


ARTICLE 17.0:  Use of Pyramid communication systems is regulated by the MNS or, if present, the CPS.  Use of any Pyramid communication system/instrument must be according to manual instructions.
ARTICLE 17.1:  Communication systems may only be used for research-related purposes and in line with the communication licences granted to NAST by the HMG/N Ministry of Communication and Information. No radio or satellite instrument may be used which is not in the communication licences. 


ARTICLE 18.0:  Pyramid space is divided into areas for research, video entertainment, reading and document consultation, meetings and briefings. The Laboratory has a space dedicated to consulting and writing e-mail.
ARTICLE 18.1:  Smoking is prohibited inside the Pyramid or Lodge and no animals are allowed inside the premises.
ARTICLE 18.2:  Silence is requested after 10:30 p.m. Use of the TV or stereo/radio/CD player/etc. is not allowed after this time. No unofficial, unauthorized activity is allowed after 10.30 p.m.
ARTICLE 18.3:  Order and quiet are requested at all times inside the Laboratory and Lodge, bearing in mind that work time and free time may vary significantly between groups.  Guests are requested to use soft voices when speaking in the hallways and bedrooms. Inside the Laboratory there is a place intended for consultation and writing e-mail. 


ARTICLE 19.0:  Visitors are allowed only with prior authorization from the EvK2Minoprio Director General.  The MNS and, if present, the CPS may authorize short guided visits for tourists at their discretion; such visitors must be directly and constantly supervised by the MNS or CPS and must not disturb researchers at work.
ARTICLE 19.1: In case of emergencies, the MNS and, if present, the CPS may use the Pyramid for first aid or rescues.
ARTICLE 19.2:   No visitor is allowed to spend the night at the Pyramid or Lodge.


ARTICLE 20.0:  Caution must be used to avoid hazards and prevent fire.
ARTICOLO 20.1:  In case of emergencies, established safety procedures must be followed under the direction of the MNS or CPS.
ARTICOLO 20.2:  In case of fire, all personnel must be alerted. The Pyramid and lodge have extinguishers and evacuation plans. 
ARTICOLO 20.3:  In case of a medical emergency, refer to the Pyramid First Aid Procedures.

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Viale Raimondi 54,
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